In Your Absence We Talk about Love
by Marina Etchegohyen, Julieta Rosell, Lucila MayolInstallation and public intervention
PICA, Buenos Aires, AR, 2013
Papel Obra, La casona de los Olivera, Buenos Aires, AR, 2016
Papel Obra, Casa Carlos Thays, Buenos Aires, AR, 2016
The exhibition was about depicting what we believe is romantic love.
We recreated a living room and intervened the show-window of the gallery with a curtain of flyers containing love phrases.
In the street we installed a banner with a threatening love phrase which transcended the show to appear in the news, in TV and in social networks, it was blown by a storm two days later. We installed another banner the
following week, during the exhibition and it transcended to the social networks too.
There were video, love songs, love books, love writings, love stories, and a love singer.
En tu ausencia hablamos de amor
de Marina Etchegohyen, Julieta Rosell, Lucila MayolInstalación e intervención en la vía pública
PICA, Buenos Aires, AR, 2013
Papel Obra, La casona de los Olivera, Buenos Aires, AR, 2016
Papel Obra, Casa Carlos Thays, Buenos Aires, AR, 2016
La muestra trató de diseccionar lo que pensamos que es el amor romántico.
Recreamos un living e intervenimos la vidriera con una cortina de frases de amor.
En la calle instalamos un pasacalles que se volvió noticia antes de volarse en una tormenta. Una semana más tarde instalamos otro.